Like the time she walked up to me and said "mama I have boobee, I need to go to doctor." If you hadn't guessed, boobee is booboo. She was in a way telling me that we had been to the doctor way too many times in the last month! I love it when Mr Insane and Miss Crazy are misbehaving and she will sigh as if the weight of the world is on her shoulders and then yell "Stop it beebee and brubber!
One day I just about peed myself laughing when one of the younger kids got 'hurt' and started unnecessarily screeching, Little Butt sighed that ever present sigh and said "you big faker"
And then there are the times where the kids will be listening to music and she starts singing along. She sounds so cute singing the words in her own little two year old accent. And then I look at her and smile and she turns all shy and ducks her head and stops singing. That part makes me sad because I want her to sing all the time, toddler accent and all. The song that she seems to like singing the most lately is In My Head by Jason Derulo. I use it to help increase my typing speed and she picked up on it and will have us play it multiple times in an hour.
And then there is the cute as hell smart assery. The other day she asked for a popsicle and I said "you don't need a popsicle" and she said "I need popsicle." and I said "why are you hungry?" and She said "No, I need popsicle cause I want one. Now! Mommy." Yeah, cute but after we had a 'being polite' talk I sent her out of the room and laughed, again, until I almost peed. (give me a break, I've had 5 kids, I pee when I breathe too deep.)
Until Next Time...enjoy the fun things your kids do and don't forget to write some of them down for future memories. You'll be glad you did when you can relive the good times.
Update on my health product adventure -
Well I've had to postpone the weight loss stuff because I can't swallow very well with this sore throat i've developed so it will have to wait a few days. I have started on the other supplements and boy am I glad I did. I'm sleeping great! My legs are strong again (hips still bad but that will be all weight loss). I can actually go shopping without pooping out after a couple of aisles. My legs were strong enough for me to go to my son when he was crying out. I didn't have to send Gwen to do it!!!! I can actually get up and prepare my supplements or prepare a drink without being in so much pain I can't function http://www.omnitrition.com/jjellis
afterwards. I think I am on the right track with this product and I can't wait to try more.
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