It was a weird weekend for sure. We had a lot of family turmoil going on around here (extended family not the ones who live here) but it was all straightened out quickly. Thank goodness, I'm not up for fighting right now (or ever really). I said some things on facebook that were taken wrong and I really didn't think to explain to certain people about it. I guess when they say be careful what you talk about on facebook, they aren't kidding right?
Poor Gwen is sick again. The allergies are killing her this year. She had an earache so I took her in today and they cleaned her ear out. She had a piece of was in there so big that it is a wonder she cold even hear out of that ear. And of course an infection was being caused and blocked by the wax. It was painful, but thankfully the doctor was able to get it out and she is on the mend.
I am trying to teach Mr. Crazy to recognize his ABC's but it is hard. He is not all that interested in writing them down and that would be a great way for him to learn. And he can't sit still long enough for flash cards. If anyone has any suggestions, we'll take em! He needs to know this by mid August!
Little Butt still amuses me every day with the cute little things she says, however I keep forgetting to write them down. And I have some short stories that I am reading so I can do reviews on them but she won't give me my kindle! She stays up really late and won't let go of it until it dies completely. Sigh....I stay up way too late reading now. I need to find the money to buy myself another kindle! (And no, she doesn't have a bed time yet. That will come down the road when she is older. I like being able to stay up late and work and sleep in late or wake up early and work.)
The writing has been going great!!! People are loving my excerpts from my next book. Especially the one from chapter four. It is a cliffhanger even! http://www.writerjjellis.com is my site for excerpts and the first four posts are from chapters 1-4 of my next novel. Check them out if you get a chance. I have also received some great reviews for my latest book
My books have been called witty...hehe I love that word and think it is a great compliment. LOL
As for the health and diet. I have been off the supplements for the last couple of days and boy am I feeling it. I feel like crud, so tomorrow it is back on the supplements. And Wednesday I will hopefully be starting the diet and you can witness the pounds melt away. My friend who did the diet before me has been called the incredible shrinking woman!
Until next time...Watch what you post on facebook, don't argue with relatives - you love them so it's not worth it, teach your kid to recognize ABC's way before they start school (but not too early, because they are now saying that teaching them too young doesn't do any good because they don't retain it as well as if you teach them a bit later.), and for pete's sake, write down everything your little ones say (and don't give them your kindle to use EVER!!!) ;)
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