In ten short days he and his beautiful fiance, whom I will also call J (haha just realized they have the same initials - yeah, I'm slow) are getting married. I remember this time in my life, so busy and stressful and EXCITING. To be ready to commit to the one person you don't want to exist without is an amazing feeling.

As a romance writer you can bet I am a huge fan of love and marriage and I think that is why I love this couple so much. They've got what it takes, I only hope they never have to face all of the hardships and tragedies that couples in romance novels do, or that they glide through them holding tight to each other.
So J & J I am right here and now wishing you the best of luck and a happy, full life together. We love you and will be celebrating here. We hope that someday you can come on a family trip with us as our guests and we can get to know you as a couple (and maybe some kids someday?) much better.
Until next time... Love, Love, Love - spouses, kids friends, doesn't matter. Just LOVE! <3
Well, I started the diet today! I load on the food and fats for two days and then I start the low cal diet along with the drops. Just by taking the three supplements I've been taking Omni IV, Charge and Nite Lite I dropped 7 pounds before the diet even began and my hip pain is about 1/4 better (stiffness and mobility has a way to go) I'm on my way folks! Wish me good luck :)
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