They have until Friday and I told them about it on Monday and they have done nothing but sit on their butts and play on the computer. This is going to get fun. I will also be disconnecting wireless internet and taking the modem for myself.

And it seems like I have another child who thinks she only has to help out if everyone else does their share. I don't care if the other kids don't do their job as long as long as she does hers she will be fine. But if everyone isn't all working at the same time she has a freak fit. Frankly, I'm so tired of all this crap. Do the job you were assigned or asked to do and be done with it. Everybody has different schedules you don't have to all work at the same time!!!!
The sad part is, it's not that much work - some dishes, some laundry and some simple pick up divided between 5-6 people. 1/2 an hour per day if there are no chores to catch up on. And of course there is their bathroom. I can't even go in there without gagging so I insist they clean it themselves. If they want to be pigs, they are old enough to deal with it!
We do have the little ones try to help a bit with general pick up after all they are part of the mess making crew. But you know they are only 5 and 6 so if I feel like letting them play outside rather than spend ten minutes picking up then that is my prerogative. I won't be so lenient when they are older but they will still have plenty of opportunity to be kids. And what pisses me off the most, and I don't think the older ones realize I know this, is that they have slowly tried to turn their chores over to the little ones. I'm sorry 5 and 6 are way too young to have that responsibility so I won't put up with it. EVERYBODY in this house has their responsibilities and they damn sight better do it and not try to pawn it off on someone else. And I'm sorry, if you constantly get the baby to want you so you can get out of chores, don't complain when she wants your attention all the damn time. You need to live with it!!! You create a monster and it becomes your lover, your best friend, your responsibility....PERIOD. END OF STORY!
Until Next Time...It is natural for kids to think their parents are stupid, but that doesn't mean that we as parents can't teach them how it really is. I've been alive almost 43 years, you've been alive under 20, you do the math.
HEALTH UPDATE - Feeling good physically but still can't do the diet because of the problem with my throat. Have to pop way too many pills and have a hard time eating sometimes. Sigh....I'll get there someday.
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