The district gives kids the day off when the high schools have parent teacher conferences (except for The Sophomore's school this year). So while I have the older two still going to school/work, the younger two get to stay home with Little butt. So far we have watched some Disney XD, played on the computer, played soldiers (or some other 'crazy run around and shoot things game'). We have jumped on mattresses on the floor, sung and danced to songs on Youtube, and of course we had lunch (Little Butt stole half of mine :/). And by we, I most mean they because with the pain I'm in today (an unfortunate tickling accident - don't ask) I am more the cuddle bug than the hands on play mate.

As for the bad, well it really hasn't been that bad. Mr. Insane let loose a curse that he learned from the horrible neighbor kids, but immediately realized his mistake and apologized. I'm good with that. I like it when my kids finally start to realize that they've mad a mistake and admit to it. This makes me very proud. We have had a few arguments, a few tears and what I thought may have been a hit or two. A quick reminder about future birthdays and holidays put a quick end to all of that though.
So, by noon, the day has so far been a success. What is still to come, I don't know. Normally I would dread this kind of day (although I would be thrilled not to have to do any driving home from school!!!). But I'm thinking that this day might just be an okay kind of day - at least until the older kids get home and the littles have a new audience to act out for...but then again there is always the no Halloween thing. Hmmmm. Here is hoping that the remainder of this day is peaceful for all concerned.
Until Next Time...On those insane days I always say...Prepare for the worst, hope for the best. You might just be surprised at what happens. <3
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