Okay so since I forgot that Thursday was a 'special' day until after my blog was published I guess I'll have to write about it today. 21 years ago last Thursday (October 17) was the day that not only The Hubs and I had our first official date, but also the day we got together for good.

If I remember correctly my friends were being sneaky little buggers. We were going to go to the football game and they wanted to invite the hubs. I wanted them to, but I didn't tell them that. I made it seem like I didn't want to be around him. Truthfully I never thought he would come because he wasn't really into the school sports scene. The friends even told him that it was a BIG group thing. Yeah, they lied it was one of our friend couples and us. But in the end it all worked out because not only was that our first date, it was the beginning of something much bigger.
The thing I remember most about the date...definitely not the game! I truthfully remember absolutely nothing about the game (I
think we won). I remember a lot about the hubs though because we really got to know each other well that night. It was like a scene out of a romance novel - We only had eyes for each other :). That was also the night we had our first kiss and our second and our third...Okay nevermind about that.
And guess how much sleep I got that night? Yep, none. Get your damn dirty minds out of the gutter, it's not for the reason you think. I was just so excited to have a boyfriend that I couldn't sleep. Sheesh, I'm not that kind of girl... ;). Anywhoo, after he left for the night I tried to sleep, I really did. But it just wouldn't come. This was going to be my first truly serious boyfriend and I was excited darn it!

And we have been together ever since. I wonder if we had known some of the stuff we were going to face in the future, if we would have stayed together? I mean come on, five kids is a lot of work...and noise...and sorrow...and joy...and pain...and love. A destroyed business isn't fun and it was a huge test of our relationship. An early midlife crisis for me wasn't a piece of cake either. Many moves, leaving family, interfering family, death, birth, depression, autism, health issues...but then again, that is what marriage is all about right - to have and to hold from this day forward,
for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, as long as we both shall live.
Until Next Time...Every once in a while, just sit there and remember that first date or that first kiss or the day you met. Memories are so sweet we can't afford NOT to visit the good ones sometimes
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