And then on Friday I noticed Miss Crazy wasn't feeling top of the line and my son had a stuffy nose and so did Little Butt. Well great, the first cold of the season brought home from school in the first week. Lovely! Over the weekend Miss Crazy started talking about a sore throat and became a bit lethargic. Yep, she had a fever. Oh fun! I was thinking strep so I had plans to take her to the doctor first thing on Monday. Her fever broke in a dramatic fashion on Sunday night and she woke up saying her throat was still sore but better and she felt fine. So, off to school with her. When she arrived home, she was still fine but about two or three hours later, the fever was back and we started to see a rash spreading over her body. Well, that's not good. A fever, sore throat and rash together can mean complications from strep. So I was wondering how the HECK her fever had broken for almost 24 hours if she had strep. So, off to the ER we went.
Now you understand I have five kids and they have all (except Little Butt) had strep at one time or another. Never have they ever lost their fevers for even a moment and never have they ever broken out. But the doctor in the ER told me that it isn't uncommon for that to happen. Well shit! I could have endangered my daughter because I didn't know... Yeah, the guilt lasted about five seconds because I truly didn't know. Anywhoo, they offered her swallowable pills or liquid and she chose swallowable (I knew we would be changing to liquid at the pharmacy because I knew the pills would be too big but she felt like such a grown up that I couldn't say no) but then the doctor turned back and asked if she would like one shot and she would be done. Well as we all know, medicines can be tricky with little ones so yes, I convinced my child to get a big needle shoved in her hip. I'm not ashamed. They came in with two needles (oops). They figured there would be too much medicine in one needle for her to tolerate so they broke it up. Okay cool.

She gets her shots and a popsicle and wanders the hall and stairs with daddy trying to walk off the pain and stiffness of the shot. We head home and her fever is starting to break and the rash on her face is already looking better. She had to stay home from school for one day (I heard a lot of 'mommy my booty hurts' throughout the day) and is now back at school. The rash on her face is gone, the rash on her trunk is barely visible and her throat isn't hurting at all anymore. Phew! Now we sit and wait...for the rest of the family to get it. Poo Poo!
SIDE NOTE: My son's stuffy nose cleared up. He brought a feather he found into the house and it seems he is allergic to feathers like his daddy is!
Until Next Time...There will always be moments when we learn something new and feel guilt because we didn't know it before but you can NOT Dwell on it! What's done is done and we can't change it, we can just
learn new things to carry us through to the next round of life!!!
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