First day of school for the boy!!! All I got was a hug. I stopped him and his sister on the sidewalk outside the entry and asked if they were okay just going in and he said yeah and started to walk toward the doors. "Um, can I get a hug," I asked. "Oh yeah," he replied and they both hugged me and were gone to eat waffles for breakfast in the school lunchroom. He is the one kid I figured would have a huge crying fit before I left him. He is just so emotionally off since the episode with the Singulair and it may take years for him to get back to normal again.

I wasn't sure how he would find his way to his classroom since on back to school night they went to a different classroom to meet the teachers (not sure which one he will get yet, won't know until end of the week). I can only hope that either his sister was able to help him or the teachers would come to the playground (after breakfast) to pick the kids up. I didn't get a call saying that he was inconsolable from getting lost (school is so small, not sure if it is possible to get lost) so that is a good thing. I leave here in about an hour and fifteen minutes to pick him up - early out day for Kindergarten today. I can't wait to see him and give him a big hug. I miss him! And I realized that I had forgotten to warn his teachers about the whole singulair thing and ask them to watch for behavioral issues so we can know what needs to be corrected. So I guess I will be sending an email tonight and hope I get a good report. He is a good boy when he isn't around his siblings and I am hoping that he will be good at school and with other kids. Because basically, his siblings are brats and he is overwhelmed by all of the estrogen. Ah crap, now I wish there was a school in town with a male teacher...hmmm. He'll be okay right???
Right now, for the first time in years, it is just me and one of the kids. I do not know what to do with myself!!! Here is an example of our conversation after daddy left for work.
Conversation with Lily
Me: Hey Dee, do you want mommy to stop working and play a game with you?
Lily: No mama, me play by myself
Me: Are you sure, Mama wants to play.
Lily: No mama me play by myself.
Me: Want to rock a bye with me?
Lily: No mama, me do myself after I play school
Well, I know where I stand now don't I. My kids have always been independent so I might actually get work done during the day now. Or maybe she will decided she wants to play after all. Nah, I wouldn't count on it. ;)
After dropping the little's off at school, I took Gwen to get her drivers license. Talk about nervous, it was crazy, nausea, shaking the whole nine yards. That was me, not Gwen. I was so damn nervous for her I could barely sit still. But you know what? She passed and now I have a licensed driver and a kindergartner in my hoard of kids. Oh and a two year old who doesn't want to play with me. Sigh...this parenting thing is so emotional. Can I cry yet? Might not be a good idea until all the kids are tucked safely in their beds. I hope I can wait that long!!!
Until Next Time...I've probably said this before, but enjoy those milestones no matter how much you want to cry, because someday they will be moving out and getting married and having kids of their own and you will wonder what happened to the years that just seem to slip away.
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