I am so excited about the next installment of my Sunset Destiny Romance series but I can't seem to bring myself to work on it much. I assumed it was because of my hips and not being able to sit comfortably anywhere in the house to type. But then I started thinking about it. I think I have spring fever. Even as a school kid I never got it this early. But then again as a school kid, our spring break was never the first week of March. :/
We had a few days of sixty degree weather and I must say it was heaven! Yeah yeah I know, sixty isn't too warm for most people, but for us here in Centeral Wyoming, that's bikini weather! It was perfect. We'd had spring break and temps in the 50's and 60's spring must be here so the brain kicks in with spring fever. And then what happens? I woke up to three inches of snow this morning and more is expected throughout the next few days. Winter is back! So maybe my spring fever will go back into hibernation? Yeah, probably not. Once I get it I am stuck with it. (at least it's not a forever thing right?)
So what does that mean for my novel? I'm not sure yet. Maybe when this bug goes away and I'm not achy and stuffy and tired and blah I will feel comfortable enough to sit at the table and type again and I will only have to worry about keeping my mind on track and my novel will complete itself (seemingly not really). Or maybe once I feel better I will still be unable to get my butt up off the couch to head to the table and work. And maybe I will be able to write, but still not be able to figure out how to best structure my complicated sentences. (Which makes for even more complicated editing).

As it is, I have started to let the kids slack on chores and they got so used to it that I had to get tough again. Hopefully my house will shape up but I somehow doubt it will, at least before guests start to arrive. But that's okay, it's spring right?
I've met people who don't suffer from spring fever and I envy them. I always have, I probably always will. I crave watching my kids go outside to play or being able to sleep in, or do whatever they want during the day. The teachers that pile on the homework start to piss me off this time of year and I know it's wrong to be mad, but come on people it's spring, the weather is changing (in most places at least) It's time to relax and have some fun! Okay, so I know the work still needs to be done, but I DON'T WANNA!!!! I have spring fever after all ;) And all I want to do is play with my new Kindle Fire (a very generous gift) and relax to recover from scraping windows all winter!
Until Next Time...If you get spring fever, enjoy it! But don't let it take over your life because eventually you will HAVE TO get back to work!!!!
I haven't really gotten spring fever till this year. Senior year was kicking my butt so now that I only have 2 very easy classes I'm starting to really slack. I mean I still get my work done, and the quality is good, but I wait till like last minute to actually do the assignment. I'm just glad I no longer have APUSH cause I would probably have an F and breakdowns each and every night because of my spring fever.
^^^Ladies and gentlemen, The Senior! I am so proud of her and I think she is entitled to a bit of spring fever for once :D
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