I did something yesterday that I hadn't done in a long long time. I took time to myself, went to my bedroom and put a movie in my computer. A movie I wanted to see, not one the kids wanted to watch, not one the husband was watching when I went in to take a nap. A MOVIE I WANTED TO WATCH!!! And boy oh boy did it feel good to do something just for me.
Of course with five kids in the house it wasn't exactly smooth sailing...at first. The little's (miss crazy and mr insane) wanted to follow me because the guy from dish and just been there and fixed the TV reception in my room after about 4 months. They only wanted to watch my TV and not the one out front. So at first they were loud and trying to look over my shoulder and trying to basically just bother me. Well I finally got tired of it and told them that mommy deserved some 'me time' and they better knock it off or there would be hell to pay. IT WORKED!!! For once in their lives, they listened to me!!!!!!!!! So from about 15 minutes into Breaking Dawn pt. 2 until the end, all I did was just sit there watching a movie with no interference from the kids. The only thing that kept me from completely relaxing was the fact that Little Butt was acting sick, but she was safely sleeping on her oldest sister so I felt I could take that minute for me.
This is something I haven't done in probably years. I remember looking at the computer and seeing that the movie was half over and thinking 'Dang I haven't heard a peep from any kids in almost an hour, this is really nice!!!' and then I delved back into my movie. By the time it was over, I felt so relaxed and I guess you could call it a bit rejuvenated? I really should do this more often. You know, maybe once every two years instead of four?!?!?!
The good thing is - the older the kids get the easier it will be to do things just for me. They will have their own interests and activities to keep them busy. You know, one thing I really want to do, is shut my bathroom door and take a bath BY MY DAMN SELF! I hope someday that will happen once the three littlest can bathe themselves...but then again I still have the teens coming in to talk while i'm in there so maybe the bath idea will have to wait for a long time. But movie/reading time...from now on that is MY TIME, and the kids will just have to learn to live with it! :)

Until next time...Take that time to enjoy yourself. Don't feel Guilty. Stick with it. Be firm about it. Just do it. I promise, you won't regret it! :)
Nice blog! I found your great blog through the WLC Blog Follows on the World Literary Cafe. Great to connect!
- Jan Moran at JanMoran dot com
Thank you! I will check out your blog too! :)
Glad you got some time to yourself. I need some of that. Maybe tomorrow....or the next day....
Jen I sure hope you can get some time for yourself! :)
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