Playing with the Kaleidoscopic drawing app. I basically sat there for hours the other day when I was under the weather running my finger over the touch screen again and again and again.. (See and you folks didn't think I had an exciting life...haha!) How can it not be fun right? Colors and swirlies and mirror images oh my!

So how did I realize that I was addicted/obsessed or whatever you call it? When one of my kids asked if they could have a turn on my kindle (yes I downloaded stuff for them and in fact the kaleidoscope was supposed to be theirs). I grabbed the damn kindle and held it to my chest and cried..."No! Leave me alone, I'm drawing!" Um yeah, I think it's time I revisit my priorities here. I have vowed to let my kids use the kindle more (okay, once day each if they behave) The rest of the time it is MINE!!! I must see the colors and pretty swirlies, I must see the colors and pretty swirlies, I must see the colors and... Oh um, sorry about that. I am hoping that some day I can put the kindle down and get back to life as I know it....Kids, Husband, Marketing, Writing and REPEAT. ( See, I told you that you didn't think I had an exciting life!)
Until next time... We all have our little obsessions/addictions but they usually go away with time. So I guess I'm trying to say enjoy it while you can because eventually life will come back to you and intrude...and then it is onto the next one! ;) (And check out the kaleidescope app, it's hella fun! )
I found your great blog through the WLC Blog Follows on the World Literary Cafe! Great to connect!
(Amber Lea Easton, aka Moxie Girl & MtnMoxieChic, from Kisses, Caresses & Whispers in the Night and Moxie Girl Musings) Good to see you! Looking forward to your posts.
Thanks for stopping by! I'l check out your sites too :)
My addiction is online jigsaw puzzles. I can waste a lot of time trying to find the bird's beak and left foot. (Elusive little rascals) I found your blog through the WLC Blog Follows on the World Literary Cafe! Love your writing, although I can't imagine getting addicted to colors and swirlies. Great to connect! I would like to invite you to come visit my humor blog:
I find myself doing the same thing with my iPad! Great post!
Karla Telega, thank you so much for stopping by. I don't dare get jigsaw puzzles or I too would be addicted. :) I will head right over to your page!
Blog Your Boss thank you! Those darn apps and tablets are crazy addictive :)
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