What brought all of this on almost three months before the event? Well, we are re doing our flooring so when people come from out of town to visit during graduation they won't see how much my children have spilled on and dragged dirt through my living room and ruined my carpet. I know, I know, not something sentimental and gushy to bring these thoughts to mind, but come on, this is me we are talking about. A sneeze can make me think of the weirdest things. Maybe that is why I have so many story ideas?
Not that I don't get mushy about my kids' milestones because I do. Just wait until May, I will be a blubbering mess with a camera in my hands. I won't have any idea what pictures I take will look like until after the night is over and I upload them because I will have tears in my eyes the whole time.
I must say, I am a lucky mom. The Senior is a wonderful child. She gets great grades, is very kind and giving and will some day be a great mom. That is if she can find a decent guy. She has had the worst possible luck with guys of any teen I know of. Jerks, dummies, a**h***s, she's had them all. She's even been through a broken engagement. So now, onto the future! She has a current boyfriend and things seem to be going great for once - he is a nice kid, intelligent and seems to have his head on straight (as straight as a teenaged boy gets) so we all just hope it keeps going that way.
So what is next for my first baby? College!!! She is going to have so much fun! I hope she is able to meet a lot of great, kind, influential people to help her get a great start on her adult life. We can't ask for anything more. It is hard to believe that my role in her life is almost done. Soon I will just be a support system and not a supporter of life.
Until next time...Hold your kids tight and remember, they grow up very fast so don't let time get away from you. ENJOY YOUR KIDS TO THE FULLEST!!!
I found your great blog through the WLC Blog Follows on the World Literary Cafe! Great to connect!
Wonderful! So glad to have you here! :)
Thanks for stopping by! :)
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