I can't tell you how many times a day I copy and paste my URL's, links, book synopsis, author bio and type in my email address. You would think I memorized everything right? Oh hell no. I'm too lazy to do that. Copy/Paste is my best friend! One of these days when i'm not working on the next book, hanging with the kids or social networking I will get all of the info I use on those sites and put them all in the same document to make copying easier. As it is now, I have a million tabs open on the computer at any given time so I have access to all of my stuff.

I hope to get into a routine. 7 am -10 am marketing and networking, 11 am - 6 pm writing, 6:30 pm-7:30 pm marketing and networking and then 8:00- bedtime writing. We'll see how that goes.
At this point I am willing to do just about anything (free) to get my book out there and noticed. I"m not looking to sell a million copies, but I would love to have a loyal following and know that people like what i've done! In the end, I know the hard work will be worth it and if I ever get discouraged (or bored with the marketing) all I have to do is remind myself of this.
The most exciting part of this whole process is meeting some great new people! You have the people you follow on twitter who won't follow you back because you are possible competition yet they have no problem periodically DM ing you to remind you to buy their stuff. :/ and then on the exact opposite side of that you have the ones who offer to do interviews or spotlights of your work free of charge! I've already had my first author interview because a gentleman (and fellow author) was willing to give me a chance. I will forever be grateful to him for that. I will link later to his site so you can check out his work. I can't wait to get my first copy of one of his books! You also find people who are excited to have a new author in the field and they give you many websites and much great advice to help you succeed. I must say, I have met some wonderful people through social networking/marketing and for that I am grateful and it makes me want to be just like them and help others succeed in their goals.
So for now, I am busy busy busy, a bit overwhelmed, and wonderfully happy with the way things are going. For once, I am actually enjoying my job! (Yes you can enjoy it and be annoyed/flabergasted/overwhelmed by it because that means you are being challenged!)
Until next time...If you start a new endeavor, be prepared to work very hard! In the end it will be well worth it and hopefully you will have the time of your life! :) If you want to buy my book, I have links on the side! Check them out :)
Please visit http://rcbonitz.com and check out his work. He did my first author interview and I hope to have him on here soon in an author interview! :) and if you hurry you might still be able to read my interview! :)
Great post JJ, and best of luck with everything! I know exactly how you feel, I am just getting started trying to publish my first book, and sometimes I feel like the writing was the easier part!
I have also met a lot of great people too, and I am hoping to get my book off the ground as soon as possible. It is a lot of hard work, but some worth it!
Have a great weekend!
I so agree Wayne! Best of luck to you with publishing your book. It is a long process but very worth it. If you ever need a bit of advertising, I don't have a huge following, but I do okay and I would be happy to help!
Great to have you here! I'm on my way to your site right now! :)
Gaah social networking can be a headache-- I took weeks trying to figure out how Goodreads works haha!
Just found your blog through Book Blogs and I'm now a proud new follower, do drop by mine @ Book a World too :)
Thank you for stopping by Alicia!There are a few sites that are going to take me forever to learn to use. lol I am on my way to your blog now! :)
I copy and paste too. Which means I always have like 10 browser windows open. I wish the fields would just auto-fill already! I'm so glad you're enjoying it and congratulations :)
Thank you Kristi! Autofill would be great! :)
Social networking is the bane of my existence right now. When I decided to jump on the wagon all of the sudden my blog traffic went up. Now I can't get off of the wagon, cause the thing about social networking is YOU CAN'T STOP! I like your schedule. I need to make a schedule or my head will explode.
I love how you describe it Jen! I know what you mean. Once you start, you just can't stop and you keep finding new things to do. So far I haven't followed my schedule, but I plan to...someday. Maybe it will be my new years resolution next year. :/
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