Thursday, September 19, 2013


So, Miss Crazy wakes up in the morning and puts her hair up in a ponytail and when I go over the checklist (potty, hair, teeth, etc.) she says she has brushed her hair and although I know she lied, I'm not going to fight her over it (and oh boy would it ever be a huge fight!).  You see, my philosophy on it is that kids need to learn things for themselves.  If I am constantly hovering and making them do stuff then what do they learn from that? Sometimes life lessons are hard and I think that we have to learn them that way  to REALLY LEARN. You know, the one where the child refuses to take a bath...until their friends (and strangers) get on their case for smelling bad.  Do I fight it and put up with screaming, crying, physically hurting myself trying to get them into the tub or do I let them not take a bath for a few days and let them learn the consequences of not bathing?  In our house we are mean parents and we let them learn for themselves because truthfully, kids don't like to listen to their parents.  Sometimes moms and dads need to learn to CHOOSE THEIR BATTLES! Everything doesn't have to be a battle in life and you will be much happier if you know when to fight and when not to.

So, back to Miss Crazy, I figure she will either get teased/asked about it by teachers or the school nurse or the knots will get so bad that it will take us an hour and a lot of tears to get them out.  Well from what I understand, a teacher may have noticed and was going to talk to the school nurse, so guess who let me brush her hair this morning??? Yep!  Lesson learned?  Probably not yet, but we will get there. (if worst comes to worst I will threaten to cut it and that would throw things in my favor)
Ever present ponytail!
In the meantime I hope I don't get calls from the school/visits from DFS for not properly taking care of my child.  I mean it is easy enough to explain.  I'm old school.  I am not a helicopter parent and I will never be one.

FYI if you didn't know a helicopter parent is: A parent who is overly involved in the life of his or her child. Helicopter parent is a colloquial, early 21st-century term for a parent who pays extremely close attention to his or her child's or children's experiences and problems, particularly at educational institutions.

Until Next Time...No matter what your parenting style is, just remember that some things are just not worth fighting over.  If your kid doesn't want to do something and it isn't detrimental to their health...let them learn the consequences. They will be stronger and more independent in the long run.  Remember the key words there are DETRIMENTAL TO THEIR HEALTH.

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