Monday, January 14, 2013


If you don't like hearing people vent, you might want to skip this blog and come back for the next one, although I will try not to be too whiny and preachy. I have been training myself to be more positive, but sometimes I just have to get stuff off my chest and then move on. This was one of those weeks where it seems like everything and everyone was pissing me off, and no I'm not PMSing. ;)

There are some things I observed that got my goat as they say. First, if you don't like listening to kids play and squeal or if you don't like them teasing and touching you, by all means DON'T HAVE ANY OF YOUR OWN, because every time you screech at them or tell them to stop bothering you, they are going to feel unloved and will eventually hate you. But I guess if you don't seem to like them, you won't care if they hate you then right? If a five year old starts to ask you a million questions about what you are doing, by all means, imagine you are gouging your eyes out with a fork, but don't let them know that is what you are thinking! Answer them and when you just can't take it anymore, redirect them and move on.  Kids deserve a bit of respect.  Kids being seen and not heard is a thing of the past and rightly so.  Just because you are a big bad adult doesn't mean that you bullying them will be any less harmful to them than if a peer was doing it.

Another thing that I observed is if you love, hug and mother someone to the exclusion of everyone else, DON'T COMPLAIN when they return your affection and want to be with you a lot.  You created the monster so you have to live with it. If you invite them to sit with you so you don't have to listen to them scream, don't bitch about it to them when they are clam and want to snuggle when you are busy. They deserve to be respected and have the love they show you returned without complaint.

The last thing I observed that bothered me has to do with competitive relationships.  If you have a competitive relationship with someone and they are being mean, DO NOT BE MEAN BACK. It will just start up a viscous cycle that you may never be able to come out of. It will ruin a relationship that may have otherwise thrived. You called me stupid so you are stupid too. Nope, wrong approach to take. There are many better ways to deal with it. Building mutual respect is the key.

I guess my goal in all of this is to point out that respect is seriously lacking in this day and age. It is one thing I really wanted to teach my children (and they do tend to show me some respect) however, it is very hard to teach this concept concerning others when none of their peers or adult role models have any respect for anything or anyone. I am only one person and although I may fail I will keep trying to teach my kids the concept of respect until my dying day. I hope others catch on to this and spread it around. I think our world would be a much better place. After all, I hate it when someone disrespects me. Don't you?

Until next time...It is possible to show respect and to disagree at the same time.  You just have to learn how and be willing to do it. And just because you are older or prettier or smarter doesn't mean you deserve more respect than others do. <3

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