Do you have traditions you follow for Thanksgiving? We do. We put the Turkey on first thing in the morning and are usually eating by two. It is usually just a family/hang around and be together day (unless someone has to work, or take naps so they can work overnight). And sometimes if there are too many quiet times, I will get out the Christmas decorations to prepare them for the following day. On a very rare occasion, if we are unable or unwilling to cook the whole big meal, we go out for dinner.
The day after thanksgiving we have an 'instant repeat' of Thanksgiving dinner and decorate the house for Christmas. It is a really nice, fun family time. (Although the hubs usually has to work, being in retail and all)
This year, our Thanksgiving will be a little different if only for the fact that one family member is missing. However, the rest should remain the same. We will either cook a big meal (or we have been offered the opportunity to go out if we want) depending on timing and weather etc. And then we will hang out and have fun for the rest of the day. Relaxing and getting caught up on life!

Until Next Time...Have a great Thanksgiving and remember don't eat too much, or shop too much, just enjoy the time with your family. And if you can't be with your family or friends, enjoy a little bit of alone time to rejuvenate your soul. And know that someone, somewhere is thinking of you because I will think of all of you and say a quick prayer for everyone on Thanksgiving Day!!!
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