Gwen has another sinus infection and although she has been given a clean bill of health they are still running a few tests. We do what will hopefully be the last one this afternoon.
Miss Crazy is almost done with antibiotics for a sinus infection. Do you all remember my previous post about the intricate workings of the six year old mind? Well, she will be seven in a couple of months and I am beginning to think the scary sixes are a permanent thing for her. She has been hell on wheels lately. I'm about ready to trade her in for two three year olds or three two year olds! That's how bad it is.

My son is also being hell on wheels but I think that is because the neighbor kids are back and they have been away from the good influence of their mother for too long now so they are being horrible. I am about one step away from banning all contact. In the last two weeks my son has become a whiney two year old (and he's five) Worst thing is, I am trying to get him ready for kindergarten in a couple of months and all he does is whine.
So what's going good you may ask? Well The hubs and I celebrate 19 years of marriage on Tuesday and I think we are closer than ever. Once I get healthy again with the new product I am taking and selling, our relationship is going to go through the roof and I can't wait. Despite my trouble with the one scene? I am rockin it on my books and hope to have more out soon. The weather hasn't been too bad yet so that is good for me since I hate being hot. And my new product will be here soon and I hope to start the program on my anniversary. What better day to start.
Until Next Time...Life is good. Period. End of Story. Even with crap going on, life is still good and darn it, I'm going to enjoy it! :)
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