Okay, so I have a favor to ask. If you have bought one of my books, please leave a review somewhere - on your blog, on goodreads, on amazon, anywhere they will let you. If you haven't bought it (I understand money can be tight) but would still be interested in reviewing it, I am willing to provide 10 PDF copies to people if they will review it on their blog (and any other site that will let them without having purchased it there). If you are interested, please let me know at my email. To find out more about my books go here. I only want my romances reviewed (I have two) I will warn that they are said to be sweet (romance) and spicy (sex). They are by no means erotica, but they do have their fair share of sex. Thank you all so much! Now on with the fun.
1. My 6 year old is driving me nuts. She will not behave, she is relentless in teasing her siblings, no matter what punishment I dole out, she is driving me mad. So I send her to the neighbor who has a little girl she likes to play with. She behaves there. :/
2. My 5 year old boy has been hanging around girls too much. He has turned into a complete cry baby whiny butt. I have got to get him out of this stage quickly - he starts school in a couple of months!!!
3. My pain has been through the roof because of my wonderful coughing fits.
4. My two year old has also become a whiny butt. If she doesn't get what she wants, she freaks out and can cry for an hour. If you finally offer her what she wants, she changes her mind and wants something different. (We don't give in, but sometimes when we misunderstand what she wants and finally offer her the right thing, she changes her mind.)
5. Allergies are going to kill us, all of us, dead as can be. They need to go away and leave us alone.
6. Thanks to my older daughters we are babysitting the neighbor boys five hours a night, five nights a week and I really don't want to. I was almost in tears by the time they left the last time. I hate babysitting for one and for two when you get both of them together with both of mine, they don't know how to behave, or be quiet, or stay outside or.... yeah. I am thinking that since the teens accepted the job for me, I might have to make them go over and break the news that we can only do it for this one more week and then they will have to find someone else.

8. The hubs and I are still working on a top secret project (and hell no, it is not another damn kid).
9. I discovered that I hate hate hate marketing my book. I'm so tired of it. This is something you don't get immediate results from usually so I will be doing it for years to come until I build my fan base. What happened to my patience....oh I covered that in another blog didn't I. ;). I guess it is a good thing I didn't follow my degree to a career (PR- business) Ah crap! I did follow it in the end. Only this time I added writing to the mix.
10. It's hot outside, the kids are driving me nuts, except for my writing, I'm bored out of my mind. Yep, sounds like a typical summer week to me!
Until Next Time...TGIF We all need a break from a crazy week. But then my weeks lately run from Friday to Friday so I don't get a break. Sigh.....Enjoy the weekend anyway. :D
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