Today we celebrate an occasion that we go trough every 2-4 years. We change television service. When we first moved to Casper we had the local cable/phone/internet company and although their prices raised every year (first year locked in low rate) they didn't get too bad until the last year, so in order to save money we took advantage of a deal dish network was having (we are kind of DirecTV shy because of some previous problems so we figured we would give dish a try.). We cancelled our cable and phone (kept internet though because they had a better price than Dish's partner company) and got our Dish hooked up. The kids were so happy because we had Boomerang finally, but sad because we didn't have Disney Jr. when it came out. Well, after our first year, the price crept up by about twenty bucks. After the first year and a half it crept up another thirty and we decided to get rid of it when our two years were up. Well, that time is now!!! I am so excited. I will miss boomerang if they haven't acquired it yet, but I will love Disney Jr. when I am home alone with Little Butt next year. :)

I often wonder how many people have done this. We did it in the last place we lived too because we needed to save money. You would think these companies would want a loyal customer base, but if you think a bit more you realize they like this happening because they can charge set up fees every time you switch and that is where they make a lot of money. That is why we make sure to say we won't sign up for their biggest package unless we have no setup fees. It usually works, sometimes it doesn't though.
We don't really like having a landline phone, but it was part of the package we got. We now get phone, tv and internet for less than we were paying for just Dish which is cool. And even when the price increases in a year, we will still be playing less. But the year after that, why do I have a feeling that we will be changing back to dish or even directv. When you don't have much income, you do what you can to save money and so far it has worked for us. (And in this case I actually like the channels and service I get with the local cable company better than with either of the satellite companies.)
Until Next Time...If money is low, do everything you can to save on your bills. Someone told me I wasn't playing fair by working the system but you know what? They work it to so I don't feel bad in the least. :)
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