And in other great news, Gwen got a clean bill of health from the doctor. We are thinking her feeling 'off' is caused by stress and low blood pressure, which she is treated for. That is a huge relief and weight off of our minds.
So now that the family is (maybe) finally getting healthier, we can move on to have a good summer. I am going to be busy getting Mr. Insane ready for Kindergarten and writing my books - I have decided that I am completely insane. I am writing the last three books at the same time. I wrote chapter one of all three books and then onto chapter 2 of all three books and so on. Oh, and I am also still writing that book with my daughter. Did I mention that I am completely insane? I do believe I did above and have many other times. :)
I am also starting a new program to try to get healthy. I will tell you more about it when I get everything finalized, but I must say that the change I have seen in my college friend who is helping me get involved in this, is amazing. I think she is down 121 pounds now and is feeling great. Her whole family is much healthier and that is exactly what I am hoping for my family too. Stay tuned for details!!!
Overall things are going good now...thank goodness. I'd hate to have to bore you with my complaining again. ;)
Until Next Time...Please, please, please, enjoy the good times to the fullest!
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