infection but I had only a mild cough for a few days and thought I'd gotten off lucky because after all, I am the mom and I am needed to take care of everyone else. And then all of a sudden the cough comes back.
Cough is not good when you have bad hips. (Unless by some miracle it were to pop them back into proper place). Right now my hips feel like they have been stabbed with a million knives, but luckily it doesn't hurt worse to walk so that's good. Then there are my ribs. I have to hold my body just so, as to not knock my hips out so my ribs take the brunt of the force for my coughs. OMG I feel like I've been kicked in the ribs a hundred times.
Should I even mention that I am the mother of five and my bladder is weak? No, I won't go into detail, but I'm pretty sure you get the idea. I am so ready for this cough to be done and I thought I was getting better, but nope, I was up most of the night last night coughing. You know, just doze off and hack hack hack. Then calm down and just doze off and hack hack hack and repeat. It has been years since I've had a cough this bad. The last time I remember was shortly after we moved here to this town almost five years ago. Back then I still had the chronic pain, but not the constant feeling of being out of whack and stiffness so it wasn't so bad.

Until Next Time...Beware of the crud! I hear it is going around everywhere. If you do get it, I recommend heating pads, pain pills and a good sturdy back. Take care and stay healthy this summer! <3
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