As most of you have come to find out, my confidence isn't the greatest. It took so much courage and a huge leap of faith just to start this blog and even more to publish my first book. Well lately, things have been happening to really boost my confidence and I think in the end it will be long term.

Another thing that boosted my confidence is that I received two five star reviews for Virgin Voyage in one day (5 total 5 * and 1 total 4*). More than just one person is saying they are enjoying what I am doing!!! That, I must say is one of the best feelings in the world. I am reaching people, they are listening to what I have to say and most of all they are understanding me! That is a huge accomplishment for a small town girl who never thought she would amount to anything. I know that in the future there will be people who don't like my work and it will definitely sting, but that will take nothing away from the fact that someone IS enjoying my work. As long as I have reached, affected, or given joy to one person, I'm good. :)
So now I walk forth with confidence into the next novel and other writing projects I am involved in. I am talented, I am worthy and I am confident. As long as I have those three things, nothing can stop me! Look out world, my lack of confidence will no longer get in the way!
Until Next Time...I hope you don't have to suffer from severe lack of self confidence like I have because truthfully it sucks. But if you do, be patient and hang in there. The first step is to find yourself. The second is to find your comfort zone and step out of it. Work hard and don't give up. You are worthy and you will feel worthy and then just run with it! You can be confident too. :)
If you want a good read, please pick up one of my books. Virgin Voyage is available in paperback and on kindle (1.99) Go up to the top of the blog and find the page that says Buy My Books. Click on it and you will have all of the links you need. If you do pick it up, please leave a review when you are done.
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