I think I know the problem! There is NO rush this year. The presents are bought (except a few), so we aren't running around all month getting this or that and wrapping this or that and buying batteries for this or that. Hell, even on Christmas Eve we will have it easy. Nothing needs to be put together this year. I know, I know, 'just relax and enjoy' you say. Do you know how hard it is to do that when for the last eighteen years this was the busy season??? I was emailing a friend the other day and I told her I would be having a busy week this week because I thought there was so much more to do than there really is. Well, it seems that I might be wrapping a few gifts and buying the last of the presents and maybe going to the post office. But that's it! Nothing Nada...(well except I will be writing, but that's not work, that's fun...most of the time).

Okay, Okay, I will try to relax and enjoy it because hopefully soon the Hubs will have a longer work schedule and I will be having to take the kids to and from school every day. I'm not going to like that, with my hip pain it will increase my work load ten fold. So, yes, I will relax and enjoy my first ever non-busy holiday season. I can do this right? Yep, I sure can!!!
Until Next Time...When you've got it easy, ENJOY! Because believe me, it might not always be that way. Take a moment, and smell the roses (or the Christmas Cookies) YUM! :)
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