So on with today's show.

What happens if this feeling doesn't go away? I will either have to do something about it or be unhappy. Well, ever since I started writing and publishing I have been extremely happy and I'm not giving that up! So I guess I will have to do something about it right? It wouldn't be easy leaving here because I would be leaving the Senior behind with her friends and her college, but she's growing up and would be fine on her own if it came down to that. Now, the question would be, where to move to and how long would it take to save the money to move. I guess a lot depends on the amounts of our yearly tax refunds, the amount of money my books make (after repaying initial investment) and what is going on with the hubby's job. Ideally the thing to do would be for him to stay with the same company he's with (even though in my opinion they leave a lot to be desired) and transfer within the company.
As for finding a place to live, I have a few ideas but don't know if we could afford to live in any of those places. We have it good here in Wyoming as far as cost of living goes. We are some of the luckiest in the country when it comes to that.
There is a lot to think about when it comes to moving. Do you hire movers or move yourself (I can't drive distances so it is really hard for us to rent a truck and move ourselves without the help of another driver.) You need to find a house to either rent or buy (when our credit was messed up because our business caught fire it has taken us a long time to come out of it. It still isn't great but it is getting better every day!) There are a lot of initial start up fees to think about too; hooking up utilities, deposits, school fees, etc. So how much money would be needed to move? I have no flippin clue and it is hard to estimate, but i'm guessing somewhere between 7 and 10,000 for our family.
So okay, it might be a long ass time before we can move, but believe me dreaming about it helps! If it takes us 2 years or 5 years to get the hell out of here, I can always plan and dream and plan some more...and then dream even more. I've been doing it for the last 4.5 years so why not so it some more right? FYI choices of places to move right at this moment - Seattle area, Ketchikan, AK, Sequim, WA. I guess we will see what the future will bring. Someday you may be getting blogs from Alaska, Washington, or somewhere totally surprising! They say the grass isn't always greener in a new place, but it sure might be happier. I might never get to move away from here, but until I know for sure I will make the best of living here and I will try my hardest to make it a happy life for me and my family. If I do get to move, that is just icing on the cake :D
Until Next Time...IF you aren't happy then you have to be willing to at least TRY to do something about it. You might not always be able to afford or to manage making a change in your life, but as long as you acknowledge it and make the best of what you
already have, you will be happy.
Heavens! Look at all that snow. One of the things I love about where I live is that snow does happen...right up the mountain visible from our house. We can go visit it if we want, or just look at it. But no shoveling and no getting snowed in.
Oh, I found your great blog through the WLC Blog Follows on the World Literary Cafe! Great to connect!
We have always dreamed of moving to Flagstaff, AZ. We say we are on the 5 year plan. It's been 7. A girl can dream.
J Rose Allister, That sounds perfect! And thank you so much for stopping by! :)
Jen Flagstaff is beautiful! Keep dreaming! :)
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