I do watch a lot of TV though...a lot of kids TV. I enjoy me some Mickey Mouse, Pooh Bear, Neverland Pirates and Doc McStuffins! And I do have favorite shows. I thoroughly enjoy Kickin' It on Disny XD and I even watched a marathon the other day. You should have seen how excited I got when I found out that one of the actors on that show is the real life brother of "Rico" from Hannah Montana (And yes, I was also an avid Hannah Montana watcher. You couldn't have torn me away from the series finale for all the
One of my favorite older shows, that we watch a lot,
is Suite Life of Zack and Cody. And of course there is always Wizards of Waverly Place and half a dozen or more shows. I also have a soft spot for Victorious whenever I'm in the mood for musical television.
You see, we have two TV's in the house, one in the living room and one in the master bedroom. I guess I could lock myself up in my room and watch what in the hell I wanted, but first of all I hate being confined to one closed in room. Second, The Shooter likes to stay in the bedroom during his free time and he usually goes to bed much earlier than me so that leaves out watching what I want to watch, when I want to watch it (I love watching TV most in the evenings/night). Third, I always feel a bit like I am not able to do as much for my kids as other parents so I LIKE being in the living room with them while I relax, or work on my novels. (Don't get me wrong, there are times when I would kill -not literally- to have alone time.)
So when we are out front in the living room, the kids rule the TV and not usually because I don't want to hear them bitchin and moanin about not being able to watch their shows, but because most of the shows I like (except house hunters) aren't appropriate for the younger three. And these are all of the reasons why I have become a children's TV fan. I either like what is on or I suffer miserably with no entertainment in my life (except my wonderful blog fans and facebook ;p). I'm a Disney and a Nickelodeon fan and I don't care who knows it!!!! :D
Until Next Time...The main lesson I wanted to teach with this blog is to not be ashamed of your likes and dislikes. You will always run into haters who make fun of or hate what you adore, but you just have to ignore them and like what you want to. We are all individuals and have our own likes and dislikes and those who can't accept that are the ones with the problem, not us 'fans' who enjoy what we do/watch/take part in.
Amen to that! We have to screen the Mouse's programs pretty carefully still. For some reason even some of the ones which are considered appropriate for her age are not appropriate for. Oh well, kids develop at different rates.
Sometimes I will let her watch something and then watch how it impacts her behavior. That's how I always test new shows on her. Since I do that, she's not much of a tv watcher. She really likes to play outside. I don't mind because it is healthier for her anyway. ;)
I figure kids shows are probably better for me than all the other stuff on tv anyway. I like the crime dramas and mysteries myself. These days they always seem so graphic. Having worked in the court system I find it ironic because I've seen murder scene photos which make the tv ones look seriously sanitized. (I had to go get air afterwards because I felt sick, mind you.)
I think it is important to be yourself. You are right on.
My kids don't sit there and watch all day, although I made it sound like that. haha. The TV is on all day, but they don't always watch. I have to have the noise though! Little Butt is my only non TV fan. Even when I ask her to watch something, she rarely does!
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