Now, I love the cold, but the below zero temps of this winter are just insane and can feel free to go away soon - as in before they get here with this storm. We have had the meter area of our water pipes freeze twice this year and it is a bit annoying. Will this be the last storm of the season? Why do I have a feeling that it won't? I hope we at least get good weather for spring break (we have it a couple of weeks earlier than most of the country because NCSD is brilliant like that <<<dripping sarcasm>>>!)

Until Next Time...Stay warm, if you love this kind of weather enjoy it, and by all means, don't hurt your hips shoveling snow!!! There is only room for one hip hurtin, broken mama on this blog...although a different blog would be kinda cool. ;)

NOTE: This blog, and any derivatives of it, are totally random, crazy, spur of the moment thoughts. I do not have a proofreader or an editor because then it would seem too stiff...less real. I sit down, I write, and then I publish. Period end of story. I refuse to write any other way (for Broken Housewife) because I want you all to feel like you know me, like we are having a conversation over coffee. Or better yet, like you are reading my personal journal. I don't know how many people have their journals professionally edited. I don't want you to feel like you are reading fiction or something, you know? And I am definitely not an editor/english teacher by any stretch of the imagination. That is why I hire someone to do it for my fictional works.
Think of this as a one sided dialogue we are having. Dialogue is far from 'the perfect written word', and that is the way I like having a blog be. I hope you'll stick around to have more coffee and conversation with the Broken Housewife.
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